"Stories captured forever. Each photo is a moment in time! In this video we take you on a journey through the years. Discover how Emile Verhijden Photography has been capturing life's most beautiful moments for years. Be inspired by the stories my photos tell and experience the passion of photography."

The groom sat in an old vintage car and smiled at his wife as she pushed the car at Helpoort Maastricht. The groom wore a dark tuxedo and his wife had on a white wedding dress with a train and veil.The bride had a big smile on her face. The old vintage car was a beautiful old Porsche, with shiny chrome details. It was a nice moment to celebrate love. Helpoort Maastricht is a fine place to take wedding photos. Emile Verhijden wedding photographer Maastricht - Captures your moment!


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So choose a professional wedding photographer, read more about me on this page , Emile Verhijden - Seizes your moment!