Straightening a building in your photo in Lightroom using transformation
Do you recognize this? When you take a picture of your house or another building, the building seems to look "tilted backwards. That's because your camera is not directly in front of the building. Fortunately, in Lightroom you can easily correct that by TRANSFORMATION / UPRIGHT module.
All topics discussed are from the DEVELOPMENT module performed.
Helpful tip, press the "D" key and you'll come directly from your Library in the Develop module
Without correction
Below is a picture of a building as it comes directly out of the camera. As you can see, the building tends to fall backwards.
By activating the TRANSFORMATION module we can rectify photo very quickly. What possibilities these are we will discuss in a moment.
If we take a closer look at the TRANSFORMATION module, we see a number of possibilities. We will briefly highlight these. And the best part is, you'll see results right away. So just try it 😉
- OFF: Yes 3x guess. This disables all transformations done and so you see the original picture again
- AUTOMATIC: This is the best choice in most cases. Lightroom corrects distortions ( horizontal and vertical) as it sees fit.
- WITH GUIDELINES: If you draw 2 or more guide lines on screen then Lightroom will adjust perspective accordingly.
- FLAT: Adjusting horizontal deformations
- VERTICAL: Adjusting vertical deformations
- FULL: In my opinion sometimes exaggerated corrections but it does a combination of the full perspective corrections FLAT, VERTICAL and AUTOMATIC.
So from now on you can set the whole world straight 😉
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