Lightroom tips and photography tips
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Sharing photos from Lightroom with others
Sharing photos from Lightroom with others LEVEL MEDIUM Sharing your beautiful photos with friends, clients or colleagues is a great way...
Customize nameplate in Lightroom ( short video)
Customize name plate from Lightroom. ( Identity plate for the English version ) LEVEL BEGINNER In Lightroom, the upper left corner by default shows the Adobe...
4 ways to zoom in Lightroom + 1 BONUS
4 ways to zoom in Lightroom + 1 BONUS LEVEL BEGINNER Here are a few ways to still see your photo nice and big in Adobe Lightroom The first...
Working more clearly in Lightroom's DEVELOPMENT module
Work more clearly in the DEVELOPMENT module of Lightroom LEVEL BEGINNER In the development module of LIGHTROOM, there are several panels on the right side that...
Changing values in the DEVELOP module of Lightroom
Changing values in the DEVELOPMENT module of Lightroom LEVEL beginner There are 4 ways in Lightroom to adjust values in the DEVELOPMENT module of...
Straightening a building in your photo in Lightroom
Straightening a building in your photo in Lightroom using transformation LEVEL MEASURE Do you recognize that? When you take a picture of your house or another...
Quickly crop photos in Lightroom
Cropping Photos Quickly in Lightroom LEVEL BEGINNER There is a quick way to crop your photo in Lightroom. In other words you want to get to the...
Comparing before and after photo in Lightroom
Compare before and after picture in Lightroom LEVEL BEGINNER There are 3 ways in Lightroom to compare edits you have performed with the original...
Removing black borders - Vignette in Lightroom
Removing black edges (vignette) in Lightroom LEVEL BEGINNER There are 2 quick ways in Lightroom to remove black edges on the outside of a photo...
Creating virtual copy in Lightroom
Create Virtual Copy in Lightroom LEVEL BEGINNER Lightroom has the wonderful feature that whatever effect you apply to your photo, for example black and white...
What happens if you open a JPG 600x and save it again
Opening and saving a JPEG file 600 times LEVEL BEGINNER A .JPG file (JPEG file), everyone knows it! When you take a picture with your phone or...
Make the sky extra blue in Lightroom
Make the sky extra blue in Lightroom LEVEL MEDIUM There are 4 main ways in Lightroom to make the sky in photo more prominent. The examples...
What is HDR photography?
What is HDR photography and how does it work? LEVEL MEDIUM A digital camera (even the very expensive ones) have a somewhat limited range with respect to light and...